Signing with Babies - Basic Baby Sign Language Teacher
by Brooke Hamrick
(Fort Wayne, IN, USA)
I started sign language with babies because I am as passionate about signing as I am children. My younger brother was born hearing impaired when I was 5, although we didn't know until he was 1.
Immediately my mom jumped right in and learned everything that she could learn about how she could prove the doctor wrong. They said that Brandon wouldn't have very good speech, and some more discouraging things that went unheard by my mom.
Through sign language and dedication to her child, my mom helped our family learn how to help Brandon in ways that weren't considered conventional.
He now is attending Purdue University for engineering. He has always gotten good grades, been sociable, has excellent speech and reads lips so well some wouldn't even question whether he could hear or not.
Before baby signing was brought into the spotlight, I started signing to my infant out of habit.
By 6 months old, my son was signing "more" "cookies", and finding unique ways to communicate with me.
When I figured out that I could teach other parents to experience this wonderful form of communication with their little ones, AND earn a living doing it, I was all over it. This is a win win situation.
Try it- you'll love it!
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