Our First Baby Signing Experience - Grandparenting With Sign Language
by Lorelie Carvey
(New Milford Connecticut)
Our first baby signing experience or any type of signing for that matter is with our grandson Nolan. He is now 16 months old.
From day one his mom and dad had little signing cards everywhere so we could help to teach him.
At first when he started doing the "more" sign, I thought he was clapping his hands and then realized he was signing.
It's the cutest thing to see him ask us to read a "book" and then "more books". "Milk" is a popular one too.
I think it's wonderful and it does help him to communicate what he wants without getting frustrated.
Now he actually says "more" when he signs it. We love being grandparents and look forward to many more grandchildren. Hopefully they will all learn to sign as Nolan is doing.
I don't have any pictures as of yet of him signing. When I get one I will post it. Thanks
Note from editor: Lorelie, thanks for the great story! We love hearing about Grandparents also utilizing the amazing benefits of baby sign language! Nolan is one lucky little guy to have so many signers around him. And we'd love a picture when you have the chance. Even a video clip would be fabulous!
Thanks again for sharing such a warm and inspiring experience!
Happy Continued Signing to you and your terrific family.
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