Baby Signing Contact Page
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Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you! (Most of the time I/we can typically respond within 24hrs - up to 4 days)
*DIDN'T GET YOUR CHART? Please read this: If you are on this page to re-request your free baby sign language chart only - please - click this link here. Please do NOT use the form
below, to ask about the baby signing chart. Please
use this link here to let us know about the baby
sign chart and if you are requesting it again.
If you are writing to inquire about advertising on this website, please click this link here.
For any other questions related to baby sign language, please use form directly below:
Didn't Get Baby Sign Language Chart? - please - click this link here.
Please do NOT use the form above, to ask about the baby signing chart. Please use this link here to let us know about the baby sign chart and if you are requesting it again. (Due to the reasons below!)
*Please note - due to the hundreds of e-mails we receive per week - if you do not receive a response to your message within 3 - 4 days, it means that your question is already answered on this site!
[Also - if you use e-mail services by, please try and send an alternate e-mail address. For some reason, several e-mails addressed from / to this ISP come bounced back to us! :-( Thank you! ]
To save time and for a quicker answer, please check the Baby Sign Language FAQ's page prior to asking a baby sign language related question.
Thank you for understanding!
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