We are Parents, How Do WE Learn Baby Sign Language?
Click here to see what other parents say!

Once you decide as a parent to teach Baby Sign Language, your first question will probably be, “How do I learn Baby Sign Language first?!”
Obviously it's quite difficult to teach a language you don’t yet know. It is important to understand that American Sign Language is a true language. A few gestures may be modified for lack of infant motor skills. So as a parent you will want to learn the proper way to form the gestures.
The good news is -- Baby Sign Language is not very hard to learn. There are a variety of tools available to help teach these signs:
- There are sign language software packages available that help self-teach Baby Sign Language. These programs are run on the computer and usually come with supporting books and documentation.
- You can purchase a sign language DVD or videos to run on the television or laptop. These are also self-teaching programs.
- There are free ebooks available on the internet that you can download which contain pictures and explanations for Baby Sign Language.
- There are also a large number of Baby Sign Language sites, which can be accessed through the free ASL web browsers. ASL browsers offer sites that teach true American Sign Language.
- Some parents choose to attend parent Baby Sign Language programs offered at a private schools, YMCA’s, community centers, and community colleges.
- For the 'hardcore' - you can also learn ASL by attending a program for through government funded school programs, community colleges, and/or university classes.
Check this baby signing video out!
(Simply click the 'play button' in the middle of this video)
Additional ways of learning Baby Sign Language:
You can learn Sign Language working with an ebook, video or baby signing DVD. There are many learning tools that supplement these programs. These include signing flashcards and sign dictionaries.
When parents begin to learn Baby Sign Language, it's better to start with simple words and gestures. Choose the gestures you will first teach your baby. You can learn the gestures while teaching your infant at the same time.
Remember that it may take several weeks of signing before your infant will produce the first gesture so you have plenty of time to practice.
Try using the gesture along with the activity. For example, sign the word “milk” every time you give the baby a bottle of milk.
At the same time you gesture for the word “milk” also say the word out loud. This connects Baby Sign Language gestures and verbal skills development.
Continue to add simple words and gestures through practice.
It is pretty easy for parents to learn Baby Sign Language and begin teaching it almost immediately to your infant. Access the many support materials available and start right away!
The sooner your infant begins learning the signs and gestures, the sooner you will have that first early two-way conversation with your baby.
Do you use Baby Sign Language?
Baby Signing - What Other Visitors to This Website Have Said About Baby Sign Language
See below to see baby sign language stories from other visiting baby signers to this page...
Helps alot.
My son is almost two and still doesn't talk. Baby signing has help out me and husband a lot. Also my son happier! He doesn't get so frustrated on telling …
Lila's first doggy kiss
I recently spent the afternoon in our yard in the sun with my 7 1/2 month old daughter and our golden lab teaching her to sign dog. She picked it up very …
Olivia can sign!!!! Our Baby Signing Experience
My babysitter mentioned that she was teaching her daughter to sign and that I should try it for my 10 month old daughter, Olivia.
I really didn't think …
Lizard Nightmare - Baby Sign Language Story
When my son was about 12 months old, we had a bunch of those 2-3" hard plastic lizards you get out of the quarter machine.
My son Zyon loves all things …
Baby Sign Language! So fun!
My twin niece and nephew have been signing for seven months and are great at it!
I found this site when looking for the word carrot in asl! I immediately …
Baby Sign Language Helps With Establishing A Bedtime Routine
Putting your little on to sleep can sometimes be a difficult task. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine can be very helpful for your child to be comfortable …
Sick Baby Tells When She's Tired! Wow, Baby Sign Language!
As the sister of a special ed teacher I've always wanted to teach my children sign language.
I started teaching Abigail, my first, when she was about …
Signing my granddaughter's name
I learned the sign language alphabet over forty years ago from a deaf girl I babysat.
I now use it to sign to my grandaughter. She is four months …
Ashton Signs - Baby Sign Language
I had been to a local LLL group and watched another mother sign with her little girl so I picked up a baby signing book when my third son was only a few …
Learning Baby Sign Language - The Reason Behind it All
I just thought I would share why I really want to teach my son Jayden sign language. Jayden actually used the sign for "more" the other night and has been …
Just found you.... (Your Signing With Babies Free Website)
I wanted to get a resource for baby sign language. I went online and found you!
Baby Signing Animal Chart! What Signs Do You Want to See?
As you know, up next is a baby signing animal chart FREE for baby sign language members and subscribers to our Babies and Sign Newsletter.
What are …
Baby Signers!! Any New Infant or Toddler Signs This Week?
Any new baby signs this week? What is your little one signing that just tickles you?
Leave your comments below please! Thank you!!
Fathers Bonding With Baby Sign Language
The majority of the workshops and classes that I have taught are attended mostly by mothers (and their babies, of course).
There are a few times that …
Baby Sign Language and Our Lucky Family
My daughters dad is Deaf and we have used baby ASL (American Sign Language) since she was born...
We have also started teaching other family members …
Proud Grandmother of a Darling Baby Signing Grandson
My grandson and I are just learning, but "his" important sign is -- "more".
Everything is more!
The day I realized how important it was for me …
Baby Signing is Learning for Both of Us
My Baby Sign Language Story
This is eRica, 22, from Singapore, with my son, Daven , turning 2 this September.
I first learnt about the benefits …
My Grangdaugter and Baby Signing
My seven month old grand daughter signed her first word!
She absolutely loves our dogs, so we taught her the sign language sign for "dog" .
Unbelievable Story - Baby Sign Language
I am adopting a little girl from Russia , so she doesn't even speak English yet. I will be traveling soon for our court date and bring her home. You …
Pretty Please! Baby Sign Language Story...
My son immediately caught on to the "please" sign (although he rubs his tummy, not his chest).
Now that he is 21 months old if he really wants …
American Baby Sign Language - "Better Late Than Never"
My name is Margaret (Peggy) from Canada and I am a Child of Deaf Adults (C.O.D.A.). I am 46 years young, have 3 hearing siblings and 3 hearing children. …
My Tiny Infant Signing "Milk" at 6 months old
I started teaching Zoee signs at about 5 months old.
I began with: milk, night-night, more, and all done.
However, for milk we just called it bottle. …
Surprised Response - Using Baby Sign Language
I have just recently been seriously teaching my 14 month old daughter sign language.
Her first few signs took what seemed to be forever to learn. …
Baby Signing since birth
I have been signing with my daughter since she was born.
At the age of only 5 months she signed for the first time (milk) and it has been non-stop …
Toddler Signing still helps after baby can talk
I've been signing with my son since he was 8 mos. old. He's 21 months now and I still sign with him so he doesn't forget anything.
He has learned …
Baby Signing with My new Infant - Keep up the good work!!!
I currently live in Montreal and have heard long before moving to Canada and having a baby about BabySignLanguage.
Even than I imagined to baby …
My baby's first sign
I have been working with my baby since birth.
I figured if I started early then I could afford to forget sometimes but I would still be creating a …
Miracles can happen using Baby Sign Language
When My daughter Serenity Stephens was born, we found out that she had a liver disease called "Biliary Atresia."
She had to have a liver transplant …
Taught My Baby Sign language for - I'm Hungry
I am just starting to teach my grandaughter (10 1/2 months) signing...
I started 2 days ago with a sign I made up for hungry and today I asked her …
Baby Signs Ball - My grandson uses sign language
Your right---
my grandchild has autism--
I began teaching signs right away--
I had no experience before this--
but I took the time to learn because …
Fun Signing at Home with Baby
You can accelerate your child's reading and spelling ability before they reach preschool with BABY SIGN LANGUAGE.
I didn't know any sign language before, …
Sign Language for our Infant (now toddler!)
We started signing with our baby at birth and feel that she could recognise signs a few months on, at 6 months old she signed her first sign-milk to us …
I love signing with my baby!
I love signing with my baby. We started when she was 5.5 months old.
She signed back when she was about 7.5 months old. She's 14.5 months old and uses …
Baby Signing Site - Thank You!
I was really excited to find your website! It's not often you find something this easy to use and comprehensive.
My family is teaching my niece who …
Baby Signing with my Toddler Cousin
I read a powerful book about a girl using A.S.L. (American Sign Language) So I started about 6 mos. ago. I now have started teaching my baby cousin. …
Signing with my children
When my son was just 7 months old, I decided I was going to teach him sign language.
I thought, what do babies do most? Eat, sleep, drink...sometimes …
Daycare Provider that Uses Baby Signing
I am a child care provider and teach basic sign words to all of my babies. We continue to use it at all ages.
Parents have thanked me many times for …
Signing with Babies - Basic Baby Sign Language Teacher
I started sign language with babies because I am as passionate about signing as I am children. My younger brother was born hearing impaired when I was …
Baby Sign Language - Find out EXACTLY what your baby wants to eat
When our first daughter was 10 or 11 months old, we made little posters with pictures of the foods we usually had on hand in the kitchen. We used baby …
Deaf Child in Ireland Im looking for ISL
are there any on line learning facilities for ISL irish sign, my nephew is deaf, and I am trying to learn sign, but find that isl is not easily accessed …
My Grandkids and Baby Sign Language
My grandson watches Sprout and he sees it every night before he goes to bed.
He loves watching them signing about a fish and wishes.
He's also started …
Thank you for your Baby Signing Resources!
I bought some baby sign books
and reviewed them and attempted to use the signs, but most of them are not
things my son is interested in.
I find …
Signing with my twin baby girls
My twin girls are 17 months and we started signing with them at 11 months. It's silly but I got the idea from the movie "Meet the Fockers/Parents" Signing …