Baby Sign Language Classes - Kentucky
Add Your Kentucky Baby Sign Class
Lyrical Hands, LLC
Parent & Child Interactive Summer Classes begin the last week of May. Register today to reserve your spot in class!
Choose from:
~Shop & Sign
~Sign with Your Baby
~Toddler/Preschoolers; Say it in Sign
~The Music Class
Visit our website for class descriptions and schedules.
Fees: Please see our website for pricing information.
Name: Andrea Loveless
Address: Louisville, Kentucky
Business Phone: 502-640-9698
E-mail Address:
Web Site URL:
Baby Signs® by Andrea
Andrea Essenpreis, Independent Certified Instructor1110 Weeping Willow
La Grange, KY 40031
Greater Louisville area
Phone/Fax: 502-265-0550
Come Sign With Molly
Details: Parent/Child classes for children 6-24 months. New Classes are ready!Fees: Contact for pricing
Contact: Molly Howard
Phone: (812) 366-3067
Louisville KY, 40202
Held @ First Unitarian Church in downtown Louisville
and @ Clarksville Parks Dept meeting center. Serving the Kentuckiana Area.
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