Baby Signers!! Any New Infant or Toddler Signs This Week?

by Babies and Sign Team

Any new baby signs this week? What is your little one signing that just tickles you?

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Comments for Baby Signers!! Any New Infant or Toddler Signs This Week?

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it really works
by: Anonymous

My 6 month old can sign milk. She recognizes mom and dad but had difficulty doing them herself.

with baby vearth
by: Lily

My 6 month boy,, ummm.. All he keep signing is COL (crying out loud) for everything (if he thirsty, starving, wants to get cuddle etc), maybe it because I don't realy intense in teaching him to sign (we're indonesian by the way so I'm teaching two languages for my baby and I guess that's what making it hard for him to learn),, but I'll keep trying then.. Thanks.

[[Response from Little Hands Express team: Hi Lily, you are doing great! Six (6) months is much too early to expect signs so quickly.

Some babies take up to 10 months and some go as far as 14 months before parents get to rejoice.

You can bet he's catching both languages and yes that might slow it down a little, but as you can probably see, two and even three languages do no harm on a baby. It in fact helps.

Please keep going with the signing! 6 months is still pretty early!

Sending you best wishes!

and Little Hands Express Team.. :-) ]]

Thanks to Baby Sign Language, We Know What He Means...
by: Anonymous

Taught our 14 month old grandson to sign dog and cat. He loves the cat so signs it often but he confuses it and signs it at his forhead instead of mouth.

Bird sign also gets confused with bye-bye as he is unable to work the fingers properly but again we know what he means by what is going on at the time. Love signing with him.

Signning is the best - (Babies and Toddlers)
by: Anonymous

My 14 month girl will sign 'more' and 'water' when we are outside, on a walk, or shopping, it is so sweet and so nice that she can tell me what she needs and I can understand everytime.

My grandson signing.. So sweet
by: CV

We have been teaching our 19mo old grandson signs. He does not talk yet but does communicate with sign.

Some of the first signs he learned were please, thank-you, food, drink and more. The sign for thank you somehow ended up holding his hand pressed over his heart... but it looks so sweet...

Also drink somehow ended up shaking his limp hand kind of near his head...

Now he is signing cat and dog... which is so adorable... his sign for bubbles looks alot like drink but his hand is open...kind of like a parade

Signing - Melts My Heart
by: Wes

My daughter is now 3 years plus a little bit.

I work in a special needs class and learned of baby signing when she was born. I decided to sign with her plural with speech.

At 6 months she knew 'more' and it exploded from there. She seemed maybe a little delayed in the sense when she wasn't in a familiar setting, she would sign rather than speak.

However, that went away and everyone says she is way beyond her age in speech.

Also, I instructed her day babysitter to speak to her in Tagalog as she is half Filipina. Her mother is Filipina. So she understands Tagalog, English and signs about 500 signs.

She never forgot signing, if she really wants something, she will sign for it as she knows it melts my heart.

She is starting to say things in Tagalog and I barely understand it as I am Caucasian and male for the record.

She basically has useful function of 3 languages and according to research, multiple languages at an early age improves I.Q. later in life.

I fully encourage baby signing and please take the next step and learn effective ASL for yourselves.

There is nothing nicer than signing to your kid from across the room rather than yelling and having your kid understand it.

Signing so cute
by: Cynthia F.

Katie now signs "thank You" its even sweet at 3am

Baby signing tickles me!
by: Towanna

I love watching my sign 'please' & 'fish'

preschooler signing love animal signs
by: Ibeth P.

My baby grilz is 4 and she loves to do her animals she loves horse the most :-)

My infant does baby sign language for eat!
by: Shannon P.

my little one is 6 1/2 months and she is starting to sign eat! It is so cute :)

Signing Vitamin!
by: LaShawn

Wynter (18 months) signs for "V" for Vitamin. She loves her chewable Juice Plus, she wants them all day.

New Baby Signs
by: Jackie H.

Kenny is continuously signing "thank you" to everyone

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